
NexusMax PaaS

NexusMax Platform can be accessed in a variety of ways.  Product Managers and Business Analysts can access NexusMax using NexusMax For Excel, NexusMax for PowerBI, and NexusMax for Web. NexusMax is available to ML Engineers as a scalable ReSTful API service via NexusMax PaaS (Platform as a Service). Like NexusMax platform, NexusMax PaaS can run on Top-3 public cloud platforms – AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform.

NexusMax PaaS enables a business application to register itself, provide training data for training ML models, list available models in the NexusMax Model Catalog, and invoke any available ML model for predictions from within the business application.  With NexusMax PaaS, you can quickly create your first and best model. Using NexusMax PaaS, you can leverage ANY model in the NexusMax Model Catalog, irrespective of whether it was built from NexusMax For Excel, NexusMax For PowerBI, NexusMax For Web, or through another business application that leverages NexusMax PaaS; this gives you ultimate flexibility and power like no other AI platform in the market.

NexusMax PaaS leverages built-in Auto data-prep (identifying column types, replacing blanks and incorrect data with the most appropriate replacement, etc.,), Auto FE, and AutoML, to deliver fast results. Models created are deployed and the prediction APIs are available through NexusMax PaaS, enabling business users to reduce the time between ideas to impact and amplify the size of business impact through AI/ML.