Got to Add-ins store in Excel Application and search for “NexusMax for Excel”. Install the Add-in and follow the instructions provided in help section. After adding the Add-in then landing page will be opened and by clicking on “Get Started” button you will be redirected to login page.
Login using to your NexusMax platform credentials. Login screen consist of three input fields one for the NexusMax URL. It is very important because all the requests will be gone through this URL.
After sending the request to login API it will validate the user if credentials are correct then it will be redirected to “Home Screen”.
Home screen consist of 2 major modules:
Train new pipelines
Predict with already created models
And its code is divided into two sub modules. By default, train new pipelines module is loaded on the Home Screen.
In train pipeline module user can create different types of models like he can create on NexusMax Platform and it consist of two tabs:
Configure pipeline tab is further divided into two parts. Naming and selecting the model type and selecting the data from excel sheet.
After completing the form user run the pipeline and it will submit the request on the provide URL which was given on the login time. After receiving the initial response user can stay on the current screen or can go to prediction screen.
Results tab is only to show the results of pipeline which was run by excel add-in.
In Predict tab user can predict by using already trained models on NexusMax Platform. Whenever user comes to that tab its checks for new model trained on the platform or not. It also consists of two tabs:
In configure tab we define scenarios by selecting a model on which we want to do prediction and after selecting the model we have to save that scenario.
In predict tab first we have to select a scenario after that we have to select data on which we are going for prediction and there is an extra input which is related to output column on excel sheet.