
Solutions - Agriculture

Using data science to maximize yield in crops, detect bad crops and prevent them from consuming all of the nutrients, and engage in smart farming using hydroponics are some ways we are modernizing agriculture.

Big data has unlocked enormous opportunities for efficiency in agriculture and exposed new ways for farmers to cultivate soil, grow crops, and raise livestock. Precision agriculture is becoming a widespread practice among farmers allowing them to utilize technology and increase production at lower costs. NexusMax works with our agricultural partners to increase production quality and quantity while controlling costs and promoting sustainability.

IoT devices, such as GPS-equipped machinery and sensor technology, have become an important tool for precision agriculture. Technology enabled machinery is supported by platforms that collect data on crops, soil, and climate using sensors and location. By capturing information from this data, farmers are able to further customize their operations and increase their yields and profits. Visualizations of soil condition based on geographic location provides insights and details that were not readily available to farmers in the past. This analysis allows farmers to customize and plan where to plant crops in locations that will most likely produce higher yields with less resources like fertilizers and water.

Analyzing data collected from crop yields, soil samples, and weather patterns allows farmers to make more precise decisions for managing their land which leads to maximum productivity. Predictive analysis algorithms can be used to create maps from the data to show farmers exactly how much seed, fertilizer, and irrigation is needed for specific crops in specific geographic locations as well as the optimal time for harvest to maximize yields. All of this data requires advanced platforms to store and produce useful visualizations, and farm operations are not always equipped to handle that level of technology. NexusMax helps farmers manage the data with beautiful visualizations on our platform, so farmers can use the resulting insights to improve their operations and ultimately increase profitability.

By detecting bad crops, farmers can prevent them from consuming all the nutrients from the soil and focus on increasing production on better suited strains. Not every type of crop is going to thrive in certain climates. There is a large variety of crop strains available to farmers and determining the correct species might make all the difference when it comes time to harvest. Analyzing structured data like soil attributes and climate data helps farmers determine which types of crops and strains are most likely to thrive and produce higher quantities with fewer resources based on their location.

Technology advances are not limited to agriculture involving growing crops. Production of the country’s food and farming practices are monitored by a program developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This is done with the purpose of researching and analyzing the massive amounts of data collected from agricultural farms and businesses across the nation. This program has vastly improved milk production for dairy farmers. By analyzing bovine lineage data, farmers were able to improve milk production nationwide by identifying individual bulls among dairy herds that were most likely to sire cows that would in turn grow to be high-yielding with milk.